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two girls

one boy

one husband

600 square feet



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Reader Comments (32)

Hi there,
I tried to find an email address so I could pop you a more private note, but alas, none could be found.

I came upon your blog when looking for dresses to sew for my four month old baby girl. My skills are really much more suited to the classic 'pillowcase dress' so far, but you have abundantly inspired me!

Motherhood has taken me by total surprise, no one ever prepared me for how much I was going to love my baby. I run out of words when trying to express it.

So, in honour of motherhood, I just wanted to encourage you and say that you seem like a lovely mum. that's all really.

April 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlli Steen Magee

After following your blog for a few months now, I just read the *600sq ft* part and freaked out. Are you SERIOUS?! You've now jumped up to super-stardom exponentially. I can't even believe you are doing all the creative ventures, giving your children a beautiful peaceful uncluttered life, and being cheerful the whole time. Amazing! Looking forward to more of your intriguing posts.

May 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergreenchickadee

600 sf! I am inspired! I am about to move to Boston. I may have 200 more sf, but no babies. But I want one. Now I know one will fit.

May 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstephanie


A friend found your blog and directed me. I too am completely inspired and encouraged in sewing. Your style is so fantastic! It is really what I dream of and then get so angry when I look through the JCrew crewcuts website- $119 dollars for a cardigan that this babe will grow out of in one season, yikes! I learned to sew from my mum and now she lives on the other side of the country. yuck. Where did you get your great skills?

Thanks for sharing life with us:)


May 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCatalina


I love your style! You are very talented and I really enjoy looking at your projects.

I live in far north Queensland, Australia, and my husband and I are coming to NYC on route to Canada this July. We used to live in Canada with access to everything but now we live 800 miles from a big city. I'm starving for interesting fabric!

I wondered if you would mind telling me a couple of the best places to shop for fabric and sewing things in NYC? I see you go to Purl, so I've written down their address- are there any other places you would recommend? I can find heaps on the internet, but I only have a day and I don't want to waste my precious time there going to places that just aren't quite great.



May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRachael

Hi Katie,

I absolutely love your blog and it sounds like I'm not alone. I've featured katie did on my own blog,The Handmade Experience for my Inspiration Wednesday post. Please check it out and keep doing exactly what you're doing.

PS - Your kids are adorable!


May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily Flippin Maruna

I just found your blog, and I have to say, 600 sf? There are no words, so I'm going to make one up right now - scrumtrilescent. That is the single, most awesome thing I have ever heard of. So many people today want more of everything and here you are, a family of 5 in 600 sf. And what a family!! You are my new hero for real.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

bum, was hoping for a family photo...

June 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJos

I'm beyond delighted that I've stumbled upon your blog. I was looking for ways to do fabric flowers and the blessed Internet led me to your blog and I couldn't stop myself there. I think I've looked at 8 of the 16 or so pages you have and am surprised and inspired by every post. Thank you for the help and I hope that when I have kids I will make clothes aesthetically pleasing as the ones portrayed on your site. I hope you don't mind, but I'll probably add your blog to mine.

Appreciation and gratitude, m.

June 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLove, m.

The clothes you create are so beautiful. I love your fabric selection and the simpleness of each of the pieces. I am a beginner but I so wish I could create like you. I do hope you are in the process of publishing!

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea

wow, purchased a basic sewing machine so I could sew paper flowers together for my wedding last easter. have been wanting a use for it since.

thanks for the beautiful images of your your family, and your amazing eye.
I have a love of 1960's color palettes and adore 1960's french icons. such as gainsburg beauties. I can see your work fitting in nicely into this mix.

keep inspiring us! just curious, what music are your girls listening too?

July 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkassie kent

rick and i were debating the other day how many square feet you live in- he thought it was about 1,000 but i said 750. now i see we were both wrong! the topic came up because we feel like we're outgrowing our 1400 square feet. guess we need to get rid of some stuff, huh? so we were out in utah this week and i got to meet pam's adorable little girl! wish i'd met pam too, but we had a pretty hectic time manning 6 energetic kids. i need to let her know she makes fantastic zucchini bread! i think i gained two pounds from that alone. anyhow, we're in sf and rick's running a marathon in the morning so he's asleep and i'm having a difficult time typing in the dark. hope you guys are having a great time with your family!!

July 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrandi turner

You are seriously amazing and insanely talented. And your girls are so super-duper cute. I am so happy I stumbled across your site and am completely inspired by your projects. Oh, and seriously, who doesnt' love science projects? You MUST add dry ice in water to you next list. Kids go koo koo for it!

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

Hello Katie
First sorry my spelling in english i s no the best upsi hihihi :) im from Panama (latin-america)

But i have to say...
I think this is the most cute & creative blog in the world!!! I love your kids are beautifull!!
I really dont know what kind of job you have, but i think you should open you own Children Store, you have a big potential and will be a great photographer too, you know how capture the simplicity and the beauty of the little things.

I love your blog!
the best whishes and good luck


September 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDiana


Your blog is fabulous. I've 'found' you through two different sources and just adore what you do... reading about your adventures is definitely inspiring. I have similar goals for my life and my family... I want to glorify the mundane... make sense?

I LOVE what you sew... do you ever share patterns? I've sewn a few things but mostly just dove in without much or any guidance. That has turned out okay so far but I am a little anxious that my luck may run out at some point! :-)


October 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterajira

Wow! 600 sq. ft.?? I am amazed and ashamed of all of the times that I have complained that I need more space. Apparently what I need to do is DECLUTTER!

I must say that when I discovered the blogging world this past summer, yours was one of the first I found and loved and it is what inspired me to get my sewing machine out and get creative. My sewing skills are pretty pitiful compared to yours, and I don't know that I could ever create something from nothing, but I am inspired nonetheless! I hope you don't mind that I have featured it on my blog...

I hope that you and your family are well and enjoying the fall there in Brooklyn!

November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

Some time before, I really needed to buy a good house for my business but I didn't earn enough money and could not purchase anything. Thank God my brother adviced to try to take the loans at banks. So, I acted so and used to be satisfied with my auto loan.

March 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSchwartzCecelia

amazing photos. really interesting blog. how do you young mothers have the time to do this? thanks for sharing your life with the world!

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

You and I would be great friends, I just know it, if the Verrazano bridge didn't separate us. I also live in 600ish sq feet! (on SI) It's a pain! I have 2 kiddo's and a husband. We're very cozy here. Do you have any closets? If you do, you've got more then me! Thanks for sharing!

April 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteraleisha P

hello! i have been a fan of yours for some time now, and wanted to let you know that i highlighted your blog on my blog. i hope you don't mind. i link the advertisement back to you of course. i just wanted to let my friends know about you!


May 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterevie

I have just blown through your entire blog in an hour and a half after sumbling upon the Easter dress ruffles cross-posted from another blog. What a gem! Your family is precious and your posts are divine. I sure hope the creeper won't keep you away. Cheers!

May 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjr


I just discovered your blog today and I REALLY LOVE IT. All your craft projects are amazing, you are very talented.

You children are beautiful and your pics great.

I'll follow your blog daily, for sure.


June 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTaïs

I want you to know that I miss you! I regularly read your blog from Melbourne, Australia and was so disappointed when you left. I was actually outraged by the "stealing" of your personhood - but then deeply saddened that you melted into fresh air and I don't know if you've reappeared in blogland with another blog or whether you're just gone. Yes, I miss you. I hope you are well and that your family is well and that you are still shining. May you know many blessings. Karen x

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

WOW! I cam across your blog via another blog while browsing for mom-crafts... we have a lot in common... I also have 1 husband (seriously...who would want more than one?), 2 girls and a boy and one of my girls is named Ruth. I was surprised because you don't see that name very often. Anywhoo, the WOW is in reference to the 600 sq ft! How do you do it? I go insane with 3 times that much space! Great job and keep it up!

September 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

So I came upon your blog a while ago when i was looking at Rachel Swans blog because she is my good friends older sister......anyway, i just wanted to say i love your blog! Your family is so cute and you have the best ideas but since the creepy impostor there haven't been any updates :( do you have a different blog now? Thanks for sharing your life!

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSheree

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